The Path of Lagori

India is a great country with fabulos cultural bed.Every india celebration has it's own history with it.the sports gained importance along eith the blooming civilization in the valleys and on the banks of rivers.the sports is an inseparable part of human life which contributes both to the physique and intelligetsia. accordingly various games are in practice across the soceity. During the initial stages of civilization the humans formed the games with their then existing thought scheme. such games aresur passing the generation and we could term them as 'Folk Games'.The study of such folk games revel the fact that people developed vivid games based on very local environment and climate.To name some of them LAGORI, Kannu muachaale, Marakothi, Kuntata, Chennemmane, Gerubeeja Aata, Moonakannu, Penka Aata andso many.Its painful that most among the above games are already exitinguished.The remaining few are facing the threat of exinction.LAGORI is one among them. Those where the days of our pre schooling and celementary schooling that the kids getting together were making the typical balla made out of dry paddy straw or the raw ropes of plantain plant.Suchballa were usedto play LAGORI.The broken pieces of roof tiles r coconut shells or the flat stones picked from the banks of the rivers were the discs to raise the tower for play.Of course all these are only the beautiful memories. Why not, if we contribute even less than one per cent of our time, energy and lesser proportion of money we can bring this mgnificent game on to the track. To do so I started my effort in 1990s and published my book on LAGORI in kannada in te year 2001. I remember,with gratitude, all efforts and supports rendered by the various individuals and organiztion. I expect your utmost support by playing watiching and advertising about LAGORI. I thank dakshins kannda district lagori association headed by Rtn.k.seetharama rai savnoor for fostering game through conducting LAGORI tournaments in his own vidyarashmi group of institutions from last four years ina row. i also thank my friend jc.seetharama kevala,the principalof vidyarashmi vidyalaya, for a beautiful transaction of this book into english.thank you for getting this book in front of your reading eyes.

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